Wednesday, July 24, 2013

For Jordan, upon her Birthday

I almost never do this, I would like to say, this way I can cover up that
I almost always do exactly that, but now there's less dismay.
What is it, you may ask?
It is that I occasionally dedicate my poetry,
I answer without dropping my mask
of pure innocence and guileless devotion.
It is that simple- well almost as simple as counting the fish
in one of the oceans.

I almost never tell anyone I love them, it is often that way, since they
tend to freak out and read things and emotions into that simple
statement without delay.
Why is that, you might question me?
It is who I am or at least who I want to be.
I answer from behind that tree down the road, at the end of the lane
It is that simple- well almost as simple as trying to convince
the person I said it to that I am in fact quite sane.

I almost never write like this, after all what would people say
I also declare that I prefer the page and ink over this textual
input onto the liquid crystal display.
Who is it, you may think to inquire
It is everyone and someone that holds within the power
to drive my passions to fuel my fire.
It is simple as wishing for things that no one wants to understand
well, almost as simple as time and your expression might demand.

I don't claim to know anything or everything about you
if I was to be so bold, it would be clear that I am as untrue
as the rain when the sun is shining, as these words are
what will remain after I finish this poem that is only for you
with the little skill that is found in this my simple design
as complex as you construe my intentions try to define.

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