Monday, May 18, 2015

PADM announcement

Basically Bad News.

I cannot keep this up. I feel like I am:
A. stagnating.
B. trying to hard. trying to keep writing good poetry everyday is suicidal- at least figuratively.
C. Crazy wrong.

Part of what makes me a good poet is the drive to compose, the willingness to share, the ability to recompose/rewrite what I written.
Doing a poem a day in May seemed like a good exercise for me, but the rest of my writing is suffering for it, nevermind that my life and time seems to be much more limited on availability than I had previously assumed it would be.
Also you forget, well- I forget the bunching up from the last 2 years where I could not write or would forget to write for a few days then try to make up for it which even now still feels like cheating.

I want to create unforgettable poetry. I don't want to end up with bland, banal poetry.
I am a perfectionist at best so when I write bad stuff it stresses me out.

No more Poem A Day in May.
I had a good run but I want to do something else. something new.
I am kind of apologizing to you my readers but as Logan Nine Fingers would say
"you have to be realistic about these things."

Of course, I am not going to end up by jumping out a window down into a frozen river gorge.


  1. Omg Mike. A poem a day? I had no idea you were attempting such a thing. Would make me feel extruded... strung out... imprisoned by a very thing which normally let's my inner birds out of their cages. Lol. I LOVE your poems!! But am glad you are calling off that idea as far ad a daily project! Poems come when they come. One's muse and one's soul aren't meant to be squeezed out daily like the mere morning orange juice? (although the physical juice can be quite a poem itself sometimes?) May all that is rich and worthy, ornate, ordinary, insightful or poetical, be allowed to ripen within you :) All the best.

  2. Did you notice that you apparently posted this at precisely 9:11 am? Was that intentional? Too fitting imho, lol.
