Wednesday, November 6, 2013

I will do all this again tomorrow

So now the darkness finds meaning in the emptiness of definition
now that the truth is without a doubt somewhere beyond my reach
now that the night has no stars to speculate on our fates with nothing
to pass down judgement on, nothing to teach, nothing to preach
forever is relative only to the means and the ends we are willing
to sacrifice all in hopes that our futures are no longer within reach.

So now the moment comes when even the music can no longer fill
our souls with light and hope and only the despair of knowing
that you quit to early is growing as are as sure as our fears are
becoming transparent like the blotches of ruin are finally showing
in our resolve to find answers to questions unasked and thus
unanswered untold no longer from my lips like lines of empathetic
poetry flowing.

So now each of us are as isolate as the pin pricks above in heaven
now that the gods have fallen and their myths are no longer missed
like the rain upon which like many small chills passes untouched
unkissed, I look out from beyond this our solitude removed to the
last hope fading from where our loves and hatreds are summarily
dismissed as vague superstitions riding piggyback upon such empty
sentences as "I need you" or "I can no longer live like this always unhappy
always pissed.

So now I find that my words fall on the ignorance like snow falls
down in a winter discontented between people who do not hear.
Only to find the shocking melancholy of the many things I will
one day find that I fear. There is no rudder to my purpose but it
matters less in the shallows that I can no longer steer my purpose
to find the meaning as it falls upon the defeated hearts and the shuttered

I look to the horizon even as the bible would look unto these hills
is there help to come from where I wrote some words of sorrow
will there be enough comfort in the comportment of wisdom that
I can neither steal nor borrow, there is only this moment in the starless
night before the sun will rise as our mother turns forever or next to it
again even as my pen stills in anticipation that I will do all this again...

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