Wednesday, May 21, 2014

PADIM 21: Waiting...

The sun shone out in the cloudless sky and the empty blue surrounded me as I waited for you there in the empty lot. The day had been long and the hope I once shared had caught the last bus to Cleveland. Right then, I almost wished I had gone with it along with my dignity.
The wind picked up blow around the discarded papers and trash like the fragile things
that have been my emotions these past few days. I almost reached out to snatch one as it fluttered by me like a moth with a torn wing. Jealousy ate away at the facade that
I park my heart behind each time I have to wait for you here.
I found myself wishing for the rain to come down and wash away the regrets for the things I should have said before you drove away and with a small wave of your hand
I had to fight against the sudden panic I would never see you again.
I feel cold and frustrated since you won't answer my calls and texting is futile like the homeless man who just looked at me standing there in my anguish. I had the impression that he was a minor demon who found me funny standing there eternally 
yearning that you would come back for me
Each day you fail to return.
Each day I keep my desire alive
Each day we still don't meet for that drink
It's enough to make a man think
It's enough to make a man think.

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