I heard her go off while I was waiting somewhat patiently in the checkout line,
the vibrato of her tone like shattering glass from a hundred picture windows
came crashing across the aisle like a wave as her voice climbed from a
quiver to a howling whine.
She wasn't so short as to disappear despite what everyone probably desired,
She was not so tall as to tower above the cashier below her anger and pain
she was not so thin to dismiss as a waif, nor was she so fat that it excused
the situation in which we are quagmired.
The importance of made up words displaced only by the effects of rage
at the impotence of the bagging clerk standing stock still in line of fire
ranting over the whole shmeal, the meat, the broken eggs, the unfairness
of looking or acting her age.
If it wasn't another matter of wasted time, If I weren't the way I am
If it wasn't so late in the day, it's just 20 bucks that's all I have to say,
If it wasn't just so stupid, dumb, and obscenely funny I would just
sit down where I am and then tell her that I don't really give a damn.
the vibrato of her tone like shattering glass from a hundred picture windows
came crashing across the aisle like a wave as her voice climbed from a
quiver to a howling whine.
She wasn't so short as to disappear despite what everyone probably desired,
She was not so tall as to tower above the cashier below her anger and pain
she was not so thin to dismiss as a waif, nor was she so fat that it excused
the situation in which we are quagmired.
The importance of made up words displaced only by the effects of rage
at the impotence of the bagging clerk standing stock still in line of fire
ranting over the whole shmeal, the meat, the broken eggs, the unfairness
of looking or acting her age.
If it wasn't another matter of wasted time, If I weren't the way I am
If it wasn't so late in the day, it's just 20 bucks that's all I have to say,
If it wasn't just so stupid, dumb, and obscenely funny I would just
sit down where I am and then tell her that I don't really give a damn.