Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Is it just a dream?

                                             This Felicia Day, my Muse of the Moment.

Warm sheets and passionate nights
Sweat sweet to taste
Her lips smooth on the small of my back
She rides my dreams of thrills and ecstasy.

I spend long days in anticipation
Of this sun setting and her coming
The embrace of her arms around my neck
Feeling her heat pressing tightly with
Murmured vibrations.

Shackled to imagination and my dreams
Fulfilling the need, the desire to touch
No less lust like a starving man drowning
Honesty in believing in a future where
We will meet.

Simulation, the act of love making
Wet with exhaustion feel the air
Rush across her trembling skin
Her lithe frame hiding her breasts
She cradles herself against me
As I lie listening to her short gasps of breath
Wondering if it is really just a dream.

If you would like to be a Muse of the Moment: email me a (lets keep it relatively clean folks- any NSFW will be looked at but not posted) mikemumbled@gmail.com

1 comment:

  1. for some reason my email is invisible- it is linked right after the (parenthesis)
