Monday, December 30, 2013

It may be the end of the world as I have known it.

 It was the Best of Times, it was the worst of times, it was like another collection of some cliched words that rhyme. 
It was like song lyrics that made no sense to anyone who wasn't singing them, full of silliness and shouted with zest and phlegm!
It was the end of the most unlucky year in recent history.

If you don't believe me- just see how many people didn't get married. It was like being 13 is something to be feared. Good thing the end of the world has neared. We gathered around a great big lighted ball and drop it while everyone cheered.

 We were just getting close to finding each other as our lives spiraled and slid out of view. I might have found the time to find someone just like you.
The Winter closes around my restless ghost and I look out into the coming night and know that it is for somebody like you I would miss the most. 
 As the world goes to hell around me and the chaos reigns supreme, I close my eyes and wonder if I will still see you when I make the pretense to dream.
I run out of smarter things to write and fall back on my favorite, screaming.
It works for me since I find that all is not worthy of redeeming in my life. I will look into the post apocalyptic world soon to come. Like the fading promises of the last days now lost to all but the stubborn some.
Had I found the words to use here at the end of this bleak December. I would remark on all of those brighter moments
I should remember.
As it is or as it was, I here on the edge of time, at the very border. As I look into the abyss of the unknown, I realize how much of my life has become-  
read the picture.
Now, I know what you are going to probably say.
Mike, it's not the end of the world, the sun is going to set and then it will just be New Year's Day.
Sherlock gets it. No argument here
I say wit and eye rolling aside
It's still over there and I stand at the bleak
and utterly unknownness of this 
vast Divide.

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