Thursday, January 23, 2014

Words and Music by..

Wishing the what I write flow out in a musical stream
words floating on the waters of this my lyrical dream
as I sit here late in the night pondering over the plans
I have made in spite of my doubts which have come
round to the fruition as if I were the weaver before the 
loom finding the strings to pluck and begin this part
of the poet's tune.
Darkness might come and the world might come to
an end but as long as I find the voice inside of my
shiny black pen, I can tell you what I feel at this 
moment, I can turn the wheel of time, I have one 
more yarn that I can spin.
It's like dreams of running over the stony ground
like singing out my onomonopia with each foot
fall, thunder and sound.
It's like words and music by some artist whose
name I can no longer recall playing in my
memories like the motions of graffiti painted 
on the wall.
Now I exist in the second, time no longer needs 
to be in compliance as I reach up and out to the stars
and shout with exuberance:
At last, I understand the science of all that my brothers
tried to tell me, that my sisters died for so I could know 
what it was to stand in the sun and know that I am free.
It's like the dreams I have shared of flying out into the sky
it's like finding one more paradox upon which to claim
the metaphor on which I have declared
that the words and music 
that I have come by were recorded 
in all honesty.

I just wanted to share this song
it just moved me this week.

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