Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Walking in the Wasteland

The sun falls down from the sky and fire washes the earth clean of the human stain-
like a promise that only through the atomic fire can there be an end to strife, an
end to pain.
I walk upon the highways of molten glass, all that really remains of the paths of mankind,
was this all we were but travellers on the land, as temporary as the windslept memories
in my mind
Did all that we hope to achieve end with the child-like tantrums of half a dozen men
all screaming as if the world was a toy to be fought over in the middle of a school
Did all that we hoped to dream for come down who had the biggest bad bomb
as if our collective thumbs itched to press the flashing red button just to hear that
awful sound?
The end will come with a flury of fury, why are we in such a hurry?
are we but rats on the sinking ship of humanity to scuttle and scurry?
Is the wasteland all that will survive as if to say that all can be assured of
was the passing shadows of out past failures to make a hell below and another
hell above?

The sun sets on the wasteland where my feet had once walked through the ash
All that was, is no longer what it could have, should have become, hope defied
in the momentary angry clash
like school yard bullies laying waste to the efforts that would assured us of a peace
like we have never known
like the absolute denial that non-violnece was what we should have pursued instead
of weapons of steel and stone.
like there was a chance that we could walk hand in hand, finally knowing what it was
to be free
and all that should have been was like a universal love that could be shared between
you and me.
Now all is dust and I will find no place to place my head, the is no rest wherever I shall
There is nothing but the wasteland and it's memories that lie scattered like skeletons of the
place that once was my home. 

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Why you should never write poetry when you are depressed

Woe, rhymes with toe and who cares if it doesn't make a good metaphor.
Sighing, yeah that's what its like but even more so and that is what it's for.
Agony, is awkward and tragedy trumps the analogies that follow
tears and general miasma leaves your lines empty and hollow.
Despair is more amiable because you can juxtaposed against care
it's almost as maleable as using the rain like tears, pain like fears
like fog and mist and disaster and rhyming yet once again all the 
while as the thunder booms and the lightning flares and somewhere
in the middle of all this emotion, you forget that it mattered
that somewhere in this drunk moment, that you forgot to say something
about death and happiness and Kipling's words are to remind you
that this like the similes that preceed it are but pale imposters
will end your reign of coffee and madness, there is still some
random chance that you will find a meaning to all this sadness.

Friday, August 8, 2014


The rains had fallen is steady waves mirroring the destrcution of all the things I had known
or rather I thought I had known.
There were no more tears to be cried, everyone that it mattered to had already lived and died.
There was only the road upon which a thousands storms had worn smooth what once was rough
yet still the ghosts that surround me continue to whisper.
Was it enough? Was it enough?
Yet, if there was more I could have done, I would gladly redo it, I would reap the whilrwind once again, i would forget that I had paid all my dues, i would stride back across the world wasteland
just for one moment more to spend with you. 

The winds roll the few remaining clouds across the wide open skies each day, the memory of the rains wasting away like the promises I made but even as I made them I knew that they could not
be kept, like the space I wanted to preserve on my bed where once you had slept.
I shall not regret all that has passed, these are words to be unwritten, feelings that must remain unwept for if I am to remain walking down this desolate road knowing no end to that which I am not looking for.
The echoes of the laughter follow close behind, the ringing of her voice is still around me, here to nudge me, ever to remind.... of the days when I welcomed the sun and the rains, when nothing would harm me and by your side I would stand, smile in hand, as if that was all that life would

There is only the road now, the broken bits of pavement, the glassed remains of the places to travel
nothing is left to see. Was it for truth that you left. was it for love, was it for me?
Life is about the struggle, life is about the loss, life is about life and death and the tragedy.
I feel like MacBeth on this road, left the burn away like ash in the wind, I will strut and fret no more on this stage, I will not be remembered like the last words you wrote upon the pages of my heart. I am the idiot and the fool, who's tale will not be heard as your touch slips away down this lonesome path.
I walk on into the future, I walk away from the past, I walk on not knowing the outcome of all that I have won and lost in this our aftermath.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Dog Days

There it is out the window- in the sunlight, the moment when the heat slogs
in with humid tension and you know that the summer has gone to the dogs
sweat runs down your cheeks and drips off the tip of your poignant nose
the coolness of shade shrinks away from where ever you try to stand
as the memory of rain shrivels away like cellophane crisp upon the sand.

Then the clouds pull together as if to declare that they still can unite
bands of lightning spark and flash between the edges in and out of sight
the skies grow dark with the promise that there might be a gentle fall of rain
thunder pounds in drum beat precision cracks and snaps shattered glass
but no water drops come- just the sound and fury, nothing comes to pass.

These are the long hot days when a little bit of water would go a long way
to cooling the mad passions that rise up and tend to go wildly astray
where everything is so dry that all you can think of is finding a garden hose
spraying freedom to act like the child that you remember somewhere within
to dance upon the grasses, to run, to slip, to slip one more time again.