Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Why you should never write poetry when you are depressed

Woe, rhymes with toe and who cares if it doesn't make a good metaphor.
Sighing, yeah that's what its like but even more so and that is what it's for.
Agony, is awkward and tragedy trumps the analogies that follow
tears and general miasma leaves your lines empty and hollow.
Despair is more amiable because you can juxtaposed against care
it's almost as maleable as using the rain like tears, pain like fears
like fog and mist and disaster and rhyming yet once again all the 
while as the thunder booms and the lightning flares and somewhere
in the middle of all this emotion, you forget that it mattered
that somewhere in this drunk moment, that you forgot to say something
about death and happiness and Kipling's words are to remind you
that this like the similes that preceed it are but pale imposters
will end your reign of coffee and madness, there is still some
random chance that you will find a meaning to all this sadness.

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