Monday, June 10, 2013

Why Rainy Days are good for Poetry

I sit there listening to the gentle fall of the morning rain
reflecting on the idea that this kind of writing
keeps me safe, still and mostly sane.
Inside me there is a wealth of words
reaching for understanding and for the minutes
when my lines come together from the refrain
like music is to madness, patterns against the grain.

In the matter that surrounds a day like this
I feel the imagery flash in pictures
I remember what sweet sorrows that I miss
the first moment I realized there was sunlight
the first touch of my very first kiss
when time had come to have a meaning
like you find in those moments of bliss.

What truths can I reveal in the space of a line
what mysteries will be revealed to the seeker
who comes here to read mine?
There are pages that can contain splendor
like light falling through stained glass.
There are feelings beyond belief
like relief that nothing can surpass.

What is it that people find in the pleasure
of poetry on these our rainy days
to claim that a few verses can measure
the value that such work portrays?
I know that what I write will always need work
but the fulfillment is more than just a
message, or a form or a pattern
It is all that I am, all that I want to be
then to find a reason for such symmetry
to compose a little bit of poetry.

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