Wednesday, March 5, 2014

This poem is fictional

She said that the rest of the story should have remained unknown, untold.
I looked out over the dash, across the hood of the car, out into the darkness and wondered, yet again,
why the story never seemed to get old.
She said that the girl had to be lying, because the father had always been a nice guy.
I clutched at the steering wheel as the memories of what he had done returned in a rush, I thought
I will not cry. I will not cry!
She said that the mother really was the one to blame, how could she have stood by and allowed it
to happen again and again.
I gasped for air and choked down the almost sob, didn't everyone one have to take some share
in the shame.

The world passes by us as we drive into the night
time passes through us as we slip away
silently out of sight.

He had said, Don't tell anyone, no one, not even a soul.
I shiver in the wake of his ghost, the echoes of his laughter even as I remember him singing
"this is the way we roll."
He had said that it was better that no one need see any of the reasons
like I was going to come out of my room, as if the sun would mark the end
of this my dry white season.

The world passes me by as I step out into the light-
the years have not been kind to us as the memory
has slid out of whack into something used, something trite.

She said I should try to forget all that happened to me so very long ago
I shake my head in desperation, if I cannot remember the hatred in my heart
will continue to grow.
She said that the pain and the memory would fade away like the scars on my skin
I look at her with the betrayal that I have suffer in her lack of penance
as we both stare at her sins.

The world stopped as I stood along the roadside
I look into the abyss that is all i can remember
I step out into the air, like words
like snow, which will come down
again and again.
The truth is out there
Can I- dare I confide?
I step out into the wide open space
I hope that I will never have to return
to that dark and lonely place.

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