Friday, March 9, 2012

For Sophia


The face, in silence, waits alone for the night,
As darkness claims this waning and shallow light
A stream runs through this scene as is cut by a knife
The ghost-like mist rises in a mad swirl of life
The shadows laugh and mime the trees
The sun vanishes like a thief into the leaves.

The woman, whose face now looks out across the moor
Looking for him to come across the stream to her shore
The blanket of night steals out across the sleeping lands
She lets her hair down, and slowly raises her hands
The faeries come to dance in the silver moonlight
A grand ballet for the still of this, the last night

Her face becomes wet with the dew from the starry sky
The crickets play harmony to the wolf’s lonesome cry
Then she sings her passion in love’s desperate song.
He comes in silence, softly through the spirit throng
She surround by the fauna of the untamable wild
Robed only in beauty, half a woman, half a child

He walks on the water, the grace of a black cat
He moves like the wind, the blur of the winging bat
He comes from the mystery to find her in this place
To capture the moon, steal the stars, end this chase
She gazes up at him, light falls on her silken wings
He whispers to this faerie-
            “Rihannon, I love you.” As she sings
She sings again, lost in the night

For Sophia

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