Saturday, July 13, 2013

Finding Meaning in things with no Meanings

Where is the sense of things as we walk through this life?
here once was a man who sought out a single honest soul
in all of Athens, from what I hear he is there still,
dragging his lantern with it's batteries flat,
being trailed after by a bedraggled dog
with its tail between its legs.

If there had been any truth out there in this wide world
it has been sold and repackaged as something far more
appealing like twinkies or spam or freedom of speech.
If there had been a definition for practicality or even
a dogmatic sense of personal responsibility-
its been outsourced to a callcenter in Indiana
staffed only by dispassionate computers who
are two upgrade short of a human heart even
though no one has ever even gotten a patent
of such crap as empathy or compassion.

Have I found something to believe in that will
define my purpose in the grand scheme of things?
Then answer would be yes, I have but then
I would have to admit that maybe I was wrong
in believing that there was a purpose or meaning
anyway, what was the question exactly?

Oh you meant to ask me if I believe in Love?
then my answer would be, not yet, it has
not happened to me so far so I feel that
I am unqualified to quantify such a vague
and opportunistic idea besides I am still
busy trying to acquire the dream that the
world has insisted I should have pursued
all this time instead of asking such silly
questions like finding meaning in
things with no meaning.

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