Friday, May 16, 2014

PADIM 13: Bad Pieces of Advice

13. Where there's a will...I want to be in it, unless it's a play then I better check with how Jill will write me into the plot. I mean I want to be or be not.
12. The last thing I want to do is hurt you, someone says but I have to ask if there is something they just missed because that means that hurting me is still somewhere on there list.
11. Some people should never stand up and speak since someone will decide that they are stupid like it is wise to despise those that are intellectually weak.
10. We don't have to agree to belong after all if I chose to side with you then we would both be wrong.
9. You have to learn how to grow up and was that really worth a lick, since it's overrated and only counts in public
8. War! what is it good for? Absolutely nothing! that is if you are not in the industry then you probably will just want some more.
7. Knowledge is not about choosing the right fruit for salad, it's about choosing between what you want and what is valid.
6. I didn't say that is wasn't your fault; I am saying that i was blaming you for getting caught.
5. Women will never be equal to men until men shut up about it and even then it's more their way than anything else I have to say
4. He who hesitates is lost unless it before walking into traffic without looking both ways, like betting without looking at your cards no matter the cost.
3. You have to aim to hit your target for the win- unless, of course, you shoot first and just call whatever you hit the target, especially if your patience is wearing thin.
2.  Respect your elders and betters, but it gets harder and harder to find one among the wise probably have to settle for one of the jetsetters
1. You are never too old to learn something new, unless it is just plain stupid, then you are just due to get shot in the ass by some idiot who looks like cupid.

0. You can't always write poetry well enough for everyone but writing bad enough for a chuckle will still sell.

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