Wednesday, May 7, 2014

PADIM 7: 45 Seconds from Mars

Isn't it funny when you remember to look out the porthole and see
that our small red planet fades into the vast and eternal galaxy
that all I ever wanted I had to leave behind on Mars
that all I ever hope would end up with the stars
I would cry but water is so precious that I must not
I would sing but the words will not come out.

The last time I saw you smiling you were waving after me
my jet streams blowing away into the smokey eventuality
knowing that I would probably never see you again
knowing that I could only miss everything from back then
knowing that time is relative to the home I have left behind
knowing that it will have no meaning anymore in my mind.

Now all of you are a mad and persistent recurring memory
the worlds spin away into the darkness between you and me.
will I long for the days that have yet to be born
will I feel that familiar pang of doubt and scorn
will I be that weak or rise up above it stronger
or will it consume me as the journey takes longer?

I am 45 seconds from Mars
all alone midst the unforgiving stars
I can remember what the ground was from above
I can remember what it was like to feel the touch
of your love.

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