Sunday, May 4, 2014

PADIM 4: May the Fourth be with You.

So for the Fourth of May, I am going to compose a series of Star Wars Poems and the like.
press play you will.

A long time ago, in a Galaxy far, far away.
A father and his two sons went to see a movie,
I don't remember if we had any idea 
of what we were about to see
but it changed everything for me.

There will be snow days, cold as the ice planet out there alone among the stars, while down here on Hoth, I sit astride my Tauntaun and dream of sand. There will be hard days ahead as I struggle with my doom, the fate my father left for me, the path I should choose, something I can understand.
Firefall in the skies, everything was just lies, no matter what the old man denied, I cannot run, I cannot hide. Now I must be away, I must ride. 
No Reward is worth this
says the scoundrel who 
will cross the galaxy
for the ice princess's
What did I miss?
His young friend quips
the wookie sighs
the droid whirs 
the shadow of the 
a smile is on his lips
Was this the face that launched a thousand ships and burnt in the dreams of so many nerds?
Sweet Leia, make me a Jedi with one immortal kiss, wish the luck as to the Death Star I shall fly and then without the power of the force miss
the hole in one vent with my torpedos and down like a flame I shall crash away like jetsam.
I will be Luke and for the love of thee will I shall blow up the local comic book store and battle the Sith Lords around the salad bar.
I must return to the stars again, to the immensity of the cosmos, the eternal sky, 
and all I ask is for a starship and one hope to steer her by,
and the hyperdrive's kick and the siren's song and the white blast doors shaking and the scattered debris on her face as we storm through the blockades we are breaking.
I must go up into the night again, I hear the call of battle, the vengeful tide,
It's my destiny, the one that may not be denied;
and all I ask is for an R2 unit and a steady crew
and the loyalty of my men which is my due.
I must go out to the endless beyond, to the sounds of warfare and the emergence of suns
and all I ask is for the blaster by my side, and a woman to call my name after the storm has died.

You've got a friend in me, 
after all, it's us against the galaxy!
When the course looks doubtful ahead
just remember that I have always said
"Rowarr arr groar ganarr" 
which means "hey you're like butter on my bread."
without you, I'd rather be in that trash compactor instead.
So it is just that easy to see,
that you got a friend in me.

Your our only hope
Like this game of chess you see
it's your move, Ani.

It all shall be mine
the galaxy and the stars
it's your move, Lord Vader.

Father against twins
three reasons to win the day
it's your move Skywalker.

Those Tech Key converters did not come in.
Those droids are somewhere around here
those plans have escaped our notice
once again.
No one cares what happens to us when 
all the worlds are living in the fear
that their system will be next
We stood for order, we stood for respect
we lived what we were told to believe and yet 
when the time came
we did what we were told we had to fix-
it was not us, it was order 66.

O Lord Vader, my leader! Our fearful trip is done
the ship has survived combat, the galaxy is won.
The star port is near, the claxons I hear, the troops amass.
All eyes will be upon us when the Star Destroyer will pass.
But my heart cries out instead
where on the deck, Captain Meers lies
fallen cold and rather dead.
What did you expect?
 Darth Vader has choked another Starship Captain

I gave into my anger
I gave into my hate
I gave in and I will do so again
I will have it all 
I will have my revenge!

I know no pleasure save
who I can kill
I know no joy, the dark side

I need no comfort
I need no gain
I am Darth Maul
I am the Sith.

You came in that?
That heap?
That heap can outrun a star destroyer!
So that's why you are here?
We're here to rescue you!
Shut up Kid!
Hey, that's not fair!
What? Should I let you kiss your sister?
I'd sooner kiss a wookie.
What? I was kidding!

The Perfect Hunter is often seen in green
the way to win is often without friends
it is without honor, it is frequently mean.
My father taught me to fear no man
experience has shown me that fear is useful
enough as long as you stick to the plan.
I am your worst enemy as long as you lose on your bet
I will come for you because I have a reputation
you fate is set.
I am Boba Fett.

Everybody run away it's an Ewok.
by Everyone I mean unless you
are Leia
Golden Rod
the Ewok God.

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