Sunday, May 12, 2013

PODM 11: I am Africa

I am putting this up a day late - because I am also a good for nothing busy body.

I Am Africa

I am the sum of all the places I didn't belong
I am the words of a long forgotten song
I am misery, merriment and  the scorn
I am the music that has played since I was born

I am of the black loam and the silent soil
I am what grew out of my ancestor's toil
I fall from the arid sky, the blessing of rain
I am the flower from a dark place, endless refrain

I walk this earth far away from my motherland
I am her memory, sorrow and heated sand
I am the lyrical moments on Veldt's long grasses
hear me now in the winds of her mountain passes

I am the rocks the diamonds and the unwelcome shore
I am among the lost of those who came before
I am the sunsets golden red filling the sky
I am the Lion on the koppie, hear my melancholic cry

I am the darkness within, the whiteness without
the beginning of innocence, wonder and doubt
I am Africa from our birth until my death
I am the land, the water, like God's own breath

I am what I am
I am Africa

1 comment:

  1. hey, I posted a comment about you Africa poem, tried to edit it and somehow deleted it. I just wanted to tell you that you have a very rare and unique gift. I think you have the ability to be a great poet. you do have the pain and internal conflict, I feel it. That is necessary to be a good poet. But you are very smart and talented. I am being serious. Most poets don't speak to me and most poems don't touch me. but you have that ability to reach people through your poems. I really like your africa poem. it feels a bit disjointed, meaning it doesn't flow perfectly yet. but its really good. How many people go into a book store and buy a book of poems? not very often. But I think someday people could go into the store looking for a book of your poems. and that is very rare.

    sent by Dan Morph
