Tuesday, May 7, 2013

PODM Number 7

The Seventh Poem on the 7th Day

It's my birthday, no party, lots of strange mixed messages from my parents
The girlfriend is still not talking to me
the suspense would be killing you if you even guessed that I am telling the truth and a lie.

No that wasn't the poem even if it looked like one.

There are numbers always numbers in our lives
if there were no numbers then would I still only be
I am 5 7 1969, 6 4 365 and 125 above normal
I am past 12 above 12 more that makes me a master
but not a doctor.
I am 16060 days later, 2294 weeks beyond,
happy I got over the 385, 440 days since it all began
I have got 1927200 moments of surprise
and only 5 moments of truth to show
for the numbers that mean little to anyone but me
1 in 3 people in my family tree, 1 in 2 with any practicality
sometimes I feel just 1 in 1 when I remember those that would
take the responsibility. I am the 1 that Diogenes
went looking for in the dark 2425 nights before this one
sometimes it is good sometimes it is just strange
that 44 should mean more or less than the answer
to the universe, life or anything
by the way, it does not.
but it might still be worth a shot.

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