Monday, May 27, 2013

PODM 27 Almost There!

Almost There! (no that's the name of the poem)

Almost there he said over and over again but never made it.
It wasn't that he failed to stay true, or that he lied about
do so, he just died before he could make it come true
His soul is a part of the space between the stars
It became all that he was, his final words remained
with me all those years that I grew.

Sometimes at night I can still him facing the long dark trench
against impossible odds, no real chance of ever coming
back. He was a good man even if he wasn't heroic or all
that. He wasn't the star in the movie or even now a star in
the endless night, just a piece of star dust wandering the
skies in my dreams of space flight. For him, I would
surrender my imagination and talents to give answer
to that long momentous final call.

Almost there but I haven't forgotten you or the other
heroes who died that day when the movies of my youth
were clad in my beliefs, my wishes, my hopes
my long life lasting search for understanding and truth
I know that you are somewhere still waiting to come
and fly against evil when it threatens us all again
it's not a matter of how, just a matter of when.

Most have forgotten your names, they did not make it
on any wall. But you are my hero, Porkins, you
will remain my favorite supporter of the impossible-
you will remain my wingman the next time
you face off death between what is and what
could be, when we will give it our all!

For all the heroes of my youth who did not make
it to the final credits.
for the record, I know that Porkins didn't say it, Red Leader (Garven Dreis) did, but it seems that Porkins
captures the essence of those men who gave their lives in the movie. To me he is the quintessential idea of the wingman.

Still confused?
here's a clue...

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